Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mobile Monopoly - The Biggest Opportunity

Mobile Marketing and advertising is going to be the next big thing. I am telling you and I am more than willing to bet my house on this. In the past few months I am starting to feel that the potential of mobile advertising is huge and when I think of how Internet Marketing has changed the world as we know it, I am certain that Mobile Marketing will have a similar if not greater effect in the coming decade.
I am sure you all will agree that internet marketing is very lucrative and over the past 12 years or so many people made millions and companies such as Google made billions from internet marketing and advertising. There are 1.8 billion internet users worldwide and internet marketing is huge thanks to them. Now think about the 5 billion cell phone users worldwide and how big and massive mobile marketing can and will become? Are you starting to see the potential here?
Yes, I know, not all 5 billion cell phones are optimized for advertisements and I agree that most of the money with mobile marketing will be made from smart phones. Well, there are currently over 50 million smartphones in the world and this number is increasing rapidly. And we had a great proof with Apple selling more than 3 million iPhone4 units in less than a month, and we all know that it had pretty serious reception problems.A hand kids past a misplaced believer.
Google and Apple, Apple and Google. I am sure you will agree that these 2 giants know something about trends and making money right? So when Google is shifting focus to mobile advertising and buying the biggest mobile advertising platform called AdMob after a little battle with Apple that on the other hand announces their new mobile advertising platform called iAd, than you should know that something big is coming, and that something is mobile marketing.
Mobile advertising is pretty big nowadays but it is still in the very early stages. People haven't figured it out yet and how best to use it and how to make a lot of money from it. This is a great opportunity that will change the lives of millions as the possibilities are literally endless. Opportunities like this don't come a long too often and when they do, you should really make the most of them. Don't let this one pass you by and be sure to start learning about mobile marketing today, because tomorrow may be too late.
Mobile Monopoly is the first complete online video course about mobile marketing. It will cover everything you need to know in order to master mobile marketing and make thousands every month. You can and should check it out at http://health786.mobimonop.hop.clickbank.net
Article Source: www.exportquality.ucoz.com

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