Monday, May 23, 2011

The Diet Solution Program

The Best Diet Plan is NO Diet at all

As a nutritionist, the most common question I get daily is “What is the Best Diet to follow?”  My answer is always the same and one that shocks many people.  “The best diet to follow is to follow NO diet at all.”  How could any nutritionist wanting to promote health tell you not to follow a diet?” Easy.  I’m here to tell you that diets do not work.  They are one of the most common reasons people have such a hard time losing weight.  People are making the mistake of following a diet instead of following a delicious way of eating that will satisfy their hunger, their taste buds and help them reach and maintain an optimum weight and optimum health. With all of the junk food, false advertising, and false information out in the world today, how is this even possible?  A delicious way of eating healthy that will help me lose weight at the same time? Yes, this is possible for you once you are armed with the correct information. The best diet is going to be one that you can stick to (for more than just a week), one that includes delicious food and one you are happy with, not to mention one that you can maintain for a lifetime. Here are a few tips that will help you develop the Best Diet for you: 1.  Only eat food you enjoy.A hand kids past a misplaced believer.
Well Isabel, that would be just great, but I enjoy pizza and donuts and that sure doesn’t seem to be helping me lose weight.  Yes, I agree.  What I mean here is don’t establish a crash diet of cottage cheese and grapefruit if you absolutely hate those 2 foods.  Healthy food does not have to be akin to bird seed.  How about scrambled whole eggs in butter with your favorite vegetables and 2 slices of sprouted grain toast?  French toast made from healthy bread, and eggs?   A juicy hamburger or steak for lunch or dinner?  How about making your own pizza from healthy ingredients?  I could go on and on with a long list of delicious foods. The point is you do not have to eat like a bird or eat tasteless food to be healthy and lose weight.  Find the healthy foods you enjoy and get creative with those.  You will find you will have an incredible amount of delicious food options. 2.  Do not go cold turkey.
Rome wasn’t built in a day right?  You do not have to change every single one of your habits overnight.  Establishing one healthy eating habit each week or eliminate one “not so good” food every week.  This will prove to be life changing in just 1-2 months.  Not to mention it will eliminate any stress or anxiety you may have over changing all of your habits overnight.  Start with the easiest one for you.  How about drinking water?  Can you replace your sugar drinks with water and just do that for one week?  How about just cutting down on a few sodas and replacing them with water?  One small step each week will make your transition simple and easy. 3.  Do not go hungry.
Another very common mistake I see is people starving themselves in an effort to lose weight quickly.  The truth is you do not need to feel hunger in order to effectively lose weight.  Actually, the contrary is true.  You must give your body enough nourishment (good nourishment, that is) in order to see weight loss results.  Make sure to feed your body consistently throughout the day.  Breakfast, lunch and dinner are all important but so are snacks in between.  Munching on things like raw nuts, fresh fruits and healthy trail mixes can really keep you from experiencing any hunger throughout the day and help control any cravings that may come up.

Remember that the Best Diet you can begin today is an eating plan that does NOT resemble a diet at all.  Tell people you had French toast for breakfast, chicken stir fry for lunch and a juicy steak with potatoes for dinner and they will wonder how in the world you are losing weight and looking great.   Easy, I stopped dieting and found the Best Diet for me! Find out how to eat delicious food and still lose weight with these Free Fat Loss Meal Plans

Local Mobile Monopoly - Make $30k/m Texting

There’s no looking back.
Mobile is white hot – even the old school “gurus” are onto it… scrambling to catch up with the new wave of easy internet cash that dwarfs traditional IM like a skyscraper rising from a strip mall.
Now, here’s what they haven’t seen – It’s about to get even bigger (maybe billions bigger) – starting right on the sidewalks of every town and city from L.A. to London.
And if you’ve been sitting out the first “year of mobile” on the sidelines… this is your chance to make up for lost time FAST by being the FIRST to profit from
a second massive trend…
… one that’s already EVEN EASIER to catch and ride than the first.
And if that sounds like a big screaming jolt of hype…

Mobile Mass Money

Make up to $364 per sale! Proven to convert by all the Top CB affiliates. Extremely High Earnings Per Click you send. Promote Mobile Mass Money
You missed your chance.
Heck, even though the big scammy “Gurus” are telling you it’s the 2nd coming now, you’re too late for Facebook too.
The good money’s already been made, the back room deals are already being done and pretty soon you’re going to get slammed out of there too.
And you know what? You’re not alone.
The stone cold truth, despite what the gurus tell you, 99% of people NEVER make money online and only 1% do.
Because the 99% are always late . . .
And you’re one of them.
Yes. That’s right. Everything you’ve been told about making money online is dead wrong, outdated, or just plain doesn't work anymore.
And even though I hate to be the one to have to tell you this, you’ve been lied to my friend. .
The big “Gurus” have  been stringing you along, making all the good money themselves and then making you pay for carcass.
They’ve been giving you the scraps.
Except now there aren’t even any scraps left at all.
Ever wonder why everybody else seems to be making money online when you’re not?
It’s not because they’re smarter.
Or they work harder (they don’t.)
It’s because they see an opportunity and get there early.
They got there ahead of time when there was  still money to be made . . . when it was still easy to get rich. 
While you listened to some scammy guru and kept doing what used to work over and over again and got pissed off as you just kept losing money.
Even though you’ve been late again and again and again.
For once you can actually open your eyes and be early.
You can get out ahead of the crowd and take advantage of a massive change that’s going to make billionaires in the next few years (and whole lot of millionaires besides.)
And you know what?
You can be one of them.
Heck, don’t even think about the millions you could make (or the thousands you’ll make pretty much by accident if you’re lazy.)
Think about this:
Just sitting there.
Just waiting for you to take it out.
That’s money you could make TONIGHT just by taking a few really simple steps.
Actually, that’s nothing.
If you actually read this whole page and do what I say, you’re going to get access something  bigger than Yahoo, bigger than Facebook, bigger than Google . . .
Because even though this is going to sound really weird at first, all the REAL money being made online today . . . isn’t online at all.
The Real Money is in a massive market that’s bigger than the “internet.”

And even though you’ve been late for every big way to make money online, for once you can be early and be one of the smart select few to get in the “money” position.
How do I know?
Let me just show you the amazing results this simple automated system has helped produce for me and my family . . . 
My name is Frank Lucas, and even though I’ve got everything I ever wanted now.
...Just two years ago I was one VERY desperate man.

Because even though I should have known better, I fell hook line and sinker for the “Guru” trap.
See, just like you, I never cared about getting “rich.” All I cared about was having a better life for me and my family.
I was sick and tired of cramming myself into my beat up car every morning, fighting my way through traffic, being treated like a kindergartner at a job I despised.
And putting on this fake smile for my a-hole boss who kept asking me if it would be “OK” if he asked me to “stay a couple hours late tonight” every freaking night of the week.
And every night when I got home I sat down at my computer, logged into my Clickbank account and felt this awful tightness in my chest.
At one point I’d spent over $4,523 dollars on ebooks, courses and “coaching” from the scammy “Gurus” . . .
And just look at the “results” all that time and all that money got for me . . .
So I spent almost 5 grand to make a pathetic $33.22!
I felt like an idiot. I felt like a victim. I felt like a fool.
I’m no “math genius” or anything, but I know that when you spend 150x what you make something’s wrong.
One night after fighting with my wife over all the money I'd wasted by pouring it into the guru's pockets I went downstairs to my “office.”
I looked at all the “affiliate marketing” books on my hard drive. All the video “Training courses.” All the THOUSANDS of dollars of CRAP I’d bought over the years.
And I got rid of it all.
I deleted all the “ebooks.”
I threw away the $2,000 “training course.”
I gave up on “following” these scammy “gurus” who I only knew how to make money by convincing me they could teach me how to make money.
As soon as I hit the “delete” key I felt this incredible relief.
Like I’d just been set free.
I didn’t give up on my dream.
I didn’t stop thinking about what it would be like to finally have the money and the freedom I’d wanted for so long.
But right then and right there, I decided to stop being a victim and a follower.
Right there and then . . .
What happened next could only be described as amazing, and would wind up leading me into a life most people could only dream of.  (A new life where anything is possible.)
After searching endlessly for something I could do to make money that would actually work, I started rapidly losing hope.
A short time later I was invited out to San Diego for an old friend's bachelor party.  I had no idea what I was in for during this 3 day weekend that would wind up up changing my life forever.
When I got to the $9 Million dollar mansion we were staying in for the weekend I was FLOORED.  I had never seen such an amazing house, and it was right on the water. (see pics below)
We partied for a bit, had some drinks and I went to sleep.
The next morning I woke up to a 140' yacht docked right outside the house.  I mean this thing was incredible - it even had a private helicopter on it!
As it turned out, the guy who set up the whole thing was this multi-millionaire friend of the groom.
He had rented the yacht for the day to take us around the bay.
When I heard this I immediately knew I had to talk to this guy.  I had to find out what he was doing to make all that money!
While we were out on the yacht, I pulled him aside and introduced myself.  We got to talking, and I started steering the conversation toward what he did for a living.
And at that moment, right there where we stood. . .
He told me he made his money by tapping into the 5.2 Billion cell-phone users throughout the world,
by recommending products based on what they are already looking for.
And because this method of marketing is still so new, there are unlimited opportunities to profit (for people who get in on it quick enough).
He then proceeded to show me a screenshot from his phone that completely blew my mind:
From just one of his campaigns -  A MILLION DOLLARS!
I asked him to forward it to me so I could look at it whenever I felt like giving up -
. . .To use as reminder to myself that this was not only possible, but that I had met someone LIVE and in person who was actually making it happen.
We talked a bit more and he explained the in's and out's of what he does, and how once you get things set up, you don't really have to do much else at all.
The next thing he said to me forever changed my entire outlook on making money.
He said:  "All these big “Gurus” you're wasting your time and money listening to (and who don’t actually make anywhere near what they say they do) are living in the PAST -
I was sold.
And even though he only told me WHAT he did, and not HOW he did it - I went back home knowing exactly what I had to do.
When I got back I went straight downstairs to my tiny little basement "office" and started planning my attack.
I kept going over the conversation with the millionaire in my head.  He had completely opened my eyes to the reason I was failing in the first place.
I was LATE.
The reason none of the crap the gurus are shoveling ever worked for me is because they were selling me stuff that USED to work.
These crappy 'one-click' softwares they are selling just automate methods that aren't even relevant anymore.
They're just regurgitating the same old crap they’ve been selling for years. And selling useless software to automate these things that no longer work!
It’s like Hockey Hall of Famer Wayne Gretzky’s coach used to say:  “Don’t follow the puck.Go where the puck is going to be.”
I stayed up all night that night.
I was like a man possessed. I dug around every corner of the Internet trying to figure out more about what the millionaire had told me.
Still astounded at the fact that...
It was 2:17 AM when I had the big breakthrough that changed everything.
First I found a stat confirming what the millionaire said - there really were over 5.2 BILLION Cell Phones Around The World
Think about that . . .
There’s only 7 billion people in the world TOTAL.
And there’s over 5.2 BILLION cell phones?
And RISING?!?!
Next I found an article talking about how 2/3rds of Americans actually SLEEP with their cell phones.
That they kept their mobile phones in bed with them or on the nightstand right next to the bed.
And that the FIRST THING most people do in the morning is flick on their phone and see if they got any messages.
Sound kind of weird?
Well, think about this for a second.
How would you feel if you actually left the house without your cell phone?
How would you feel if you LOST your phone . . . dropped it in a puddle or just left it somewhere?
I asked myself that question and I felt this surge of PANIC - followed this total ecstatic joy that I “cracked the code” and was finally going to acheive the wealth and the lifestyle my family deserved.
Because suddenly it became crystal clear. . .
Check out this graph for just a second so you can really let the size of this opportunity sink into your mind.
This phenomenon is growing at a speed no one has ever even seen before - And so is the amount of money being made with it. (for those who have been smart enough to get in EARLY.)
I realized all I had to do was figure out a way to turn a TINY percentage of the mobile phone users in the world into TRAFFIC and I knew I’d be rich.
I’d have access to fresh “virgin” buyer traffic these scammy gurus couldn’t touch.
And I’d be FIRST to the party . . . getting out ahead for once in my life and getting the lion’s share of the cash instead of nibbling at the bones (and going broke in the process)  like I had been for years.
For the next couple weeks I spent every hour I could trying crack this “mobile” thing. Trying to figure out exactly how to get into the “money position” for this massive flood of traffic.
I knew if I could just make money from a TINY percentage of the world’s mobile users I’d have more than enough traffic to solve all my financial problems forever.
I mean, all I needed was to tap into 1% of 1% of the 5.2 BILLION mobile users . . .and I’d be RICH.
And if I was going to do it right, I knew it would have to be automated.  But I’m not a “tech guy” and I had no idea how to create the software I was going to need.
I needed somebody who understood the “Backbone” of the mobile internet.
Somebody who was a MASTER hacker who could crawl into the underpinnings of the mobile phone networks and give me the “magic key” to this traffic and change my life forever.
It took me weeks to find him.
I had to scour the internet, talk to shady characters on file sharing sites and hang out in mobile forums where I had no idea what I was talking about.
But then I found the guy. One of the most skilled programmers I had ever spoken to.  He was an ex-hacker who made his money using MySpace back before it became a spam-fest.
I convinced my wife to give me ONE MORE SHOT and let me charge the down-payment for what I needed on her credit card.
And a few weeks later he delivered the “Golden Goose.”
I felt like I was going to have a heart attack when I went to log in.
This was it.
I put in my new password.
I was IN.
After a tiny bit of set-up . . . I took a deep breath.

Auto Mass Traffic Generation Software

Let’s be honest with each other…

Are you sick and tired of not getting traffic and making money online?

Are you sick and tired of trying every rehashed *old school* technique?

Are you sick and tired of hoping *THIS* could work?

Well … for once I couldn’t agree with you more.

So for starters, this is what you need to do.

DON’T think anything …

Don’t think about Google, Yahoo or MSN.

Don’t think about banner ads, social bookmarking, social networking, Facebook, Adwords, SEO, blogging, article writing…

Forget *EVERYTHING* that has come your way until now.

It’s time for a change!!

I’m going to show you how to get a lot of traffic and make money online WITHOUT Google.

YES!! Don’t sound alarmed. I’m going to prove it to you too.

By now you must have realized, getting traffic from Google just means …

Stress, more stress and then some MORE stress. Wouldn’t you agree?

How frustrated are you lately?

In recession, endless bills to pay, loans piling up, job’s a nightmare and the money … well, that’s the BIGGEST problem…

… and for years, that’s exactly what happened to Mo Latif.

For FOUR long years … that’s 48 months, 1,461 days, 35,064 hours or 2,103,840 minutes…

… and I bet, now he’s glad he’s out of that torturous cycle.

But that’s not all … he wasted over $100,000 learning how to get instant traffic. That’s $2,083 every month spent on learning.

We don’t have that kind of time or that kind of money lying around, as I know I surely don’t!

It’s a damn shame for him though BUT in the process he got to try everything … and I mean EVERYTHING!!

He tried making money from Google, Yahoo and MSN.

He’s tried banner ads, social bookmarking, social networking, Facebook, Adwords, SEO, blogging, article writing and here’s what he learnt in the end.

They’re *ALL* tedious, complicated, challenging, expensive, stressful, time consuming and overcrowded.

So I’m sure, someone with FOUR years of experience knows a thing or 2. Wouldn’t you agree?

And now for the *SHOCKING* part…

Lately he got 867,981 visitors using a software and made $540,340 on autopilot.

You can watch it here in action:

= = > >

It doesn’t stop there though…

He spent less than 10 minutes doing it as well.

He configured the system, clicked the mouse button a few times, activated the software, copied and pasted a few links and he was done!!

This didn’t make sense to me at all. I wanted to know more.

Now since this is BRAND NEW, nobody has access to the software except a handful of his students. So I had to track down one of them and here’s what I discovered.

He did EXACTLY the same thing and made $86,299.13 to be exact.

It took him several minutes, couple of mouse clicks followed by copy and paste. Then one final click to activate the system. That’s it!!

Watch it here in this amazing video:

= = > >  

There’s a f.ree report you can download, showing how it works and even more *INSANE* proof.

Click the link BELOW as you’re about to witness a software that could be a MAJOR turning point to your success.

= = > >

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Auto Wealth Maker

Auto Power Blogs!